Quality Content is the Only Content Worth Using

Joel Goobich
3 min readJun 15, 2020
Quality content wins the battle

Neil Patel, the influential marketing experts exhorts “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”. Was he trying to extinguish the argument that quality is “Job 1”? Absolutely not!

Quality doesn’t mean perfection. Unfortunately we often conflate the two of them.

This is certainly not the case with content. In our rush to push out an ever-increasing quantity of content in order to throw manna at the feet of the SEO Gods we risk losing sight of the quality of the content that we actually produce, repurpose and repost. And it may come back to bite us in the arse if we aren’t careful.

Which gives me pause. Do leaders in the space of content marketing, even know what quality content really is? How do you define it? How do you measure it? And why is quality the better road to take when it comes to content marketing? Isn’t it better to be ubiquitous? Show up everywhere?

There is no doubt that we have access today to truly great content. The advances in AI-driven content management software like the one built by Vestorly can go deep into the ‘content mine’ and surface actual content diamonds in the rough, from hard to identify sources.

Unfortunately, content mining operations can also dredge up a virtual ocean of truly bad content. Many articles or blogs are laced with facts and conclusions that have not been properly researched or vetted. A lot of content, whether written, visual (videos), and audio (podcasts) is rushed to distribution, not for the purpose of surfacing well thought out ideas or to share new insights rather to ‘game’ the system for SEO and inbound marketing purposes.

Quality content requires preparation, critical thought, and review. It is grounded in a higher purpose beyond the short term values.

Quality Content has an evergreen coating, giving it a longer ‘shelf life

As William Craig wrote in Forbes Magazine “When it comes to digital marketing, quality trumps quantity and makes your brand more personable in the long run.”

With personalization the new flavor of the month and gaining recognition as the wave of the future in content marketing it is more important than ever before to focus on quality. It’s a reflection of your values and your attention to detail. The quality of the content that your company produces or uses in its marketing and branding speaks volumes about you. And finally as content grows into a driver of online commerce by Adtech and Martech companies looking for a hook to serve up digital ads, the importance of quality will become paramount.

Key Takeaways

1. Quality content trumps content quantity in the battle for audience engagement

2. Poor content quality can backfire and can leave a lasting negative brand perception

3. Quality content is more evergreen and stands the test of time

4. Content quality requires adherence to planning, critical thinking and review

5. Quality is needed in all forms of content, written, visual and audio formats



Joel Goobich

Joel Goobich is Head of Sales & Marketing at Vestorly, a content curation company. He writes about leveraging content to build engagement and business growth.